Thursday 5 July 2012

HEALTH 4 U:Sleeping Right - Important for better grades!

Do you study till late to get better grades?, or are you working on a pending project at 12 AM? If yes, you are for sure, in trouble. No one ever has won over nature and life, human body is a machine but a delicate and an important one (in-spite of over 7 billion known population).
Some students out there think that they can study continuously for 14 hours or so (only the geeks), this is not anything bad, but harming your body to study long is a problem.

Sleep for good

Our body has a certain metabolism, without which it cannot function properly. So for students it is necessary to get a good night sleep. Sleep governs not only our rest but also several body functions.

1. Sleep accumulates energy after a day long work, so that one can continue to work on the next day.
2. Sleep is very necessary for concentration, many students suffer lack of concentration because of lack of sleep.
3. Many hormones are only released while sleeping. These include growth hormones too. So you never want to be liliput creatures.
4. Sleep is necessary to reduce stress levels in the body, so if you stay awake for long hours, stress will show its further disadvantages.
5. Sleep is necessary for digestion, food which is consumed the whole day is completely digested during sleep.

So the conclusion is, never skip sleep, for your health's sake or maybe your grades'

What is Higgs Boson?- Knowing it an easy way

So, It's been a couple of hours since CERN ( European Organization for Nuclear Research) announced the discovery of a new subatomic particle, consistently with the Standard Model of physics, Higgs Boson.
But what is all this? What is Higgs Boson?, How was it found? and How does it affect our daily lives? Let us take a deeper look (in Layman's voice)

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Science Today.

Dear Readers, For all the latest buzz about burning science issues and more information, Do visit my new blog.

Science Today - Click to go!

Monday 2 July 2012

Doing Higher Class stuff - Mastery or Menace?

Students today, either don't do anything or they try to do everything. But for some who are aspiring high scores and are budding scientists, there is a quite a talked about topic - Should one do more than what is there in his present syllabus?
Want to do more?

The answer is - yes, but with a proper way. A seventh grader cannot start with calculus right away (apart from he being gifted). He/She has to start from the basics. The base for calculus should stay strong. This applies to every single topic. Base sets up every future action. If the base is weak then nobody can succeed.
Yes, If one is doing higher class stuff, he isn't wrong nor he/she is crazy. Proceeding always gives you more knowledge, more mastery but one should keep in mind that first he has to build his foundation strong.
For instance, one is studying motion in grade 9. He can finish the topic and then proceed to Kinematics in grade 11 (since there is no kinematics in 10th). This would not only make the person more knowledgeable but also improve his problem solving skill dramatically. But as always, one has to maintain the equilibrium.

Doing higher class syllabus has one more advantage. It does increase ones self confidence and motivates him/her to apply them practically. So if you are a budding scientist this may prove a miracle. And It also helps getting better results in schools as well as in competitive exams.

And for the "non-geeks" and cool people out there. You better do all the job given to you at present and master that.

HOW TO : Make a working Wind Turbine (Begginer)

It's the time holidays are ending and finally some students are starting doing their projects. Here's one of the most common project for high schoolers- a working wind turbine. So, take a look at some very simple steps to make a wind turbine.

Material Required:
1.A Bicycle dynamo (can easily get from a cycle shop)
5.Connecting Wires

1.Take a cycle dynamo and connect a bulb to it using connecting wires.
Dynamo connected to a bulb.
2.Make a stand about 1 feet in height.
3.Put the dynamo on the top and connect the rotor to it.
4.Finish the project by cleaning the edges an, you are done.

Help for Viva:

Basic Principle involved - Electro-magnetic Induction:
Basic Principle.

Electromagnetic induction is the production of an electric current across a conductormoving through a magnetic field. It underlies the operation of generatorstransformers,induction motorselectric motorssynchronous motors, and solenoids.[1]
Michael Faraday is generally credited with the discovery of induction in 1831 though it may have been anticipated by the work of Francesco Zantedeschi in 1829.[2] Around 1830[3] to 1832[4] Joseph Henry made a similar discovery, but did not publish his findings until later.


Sunday 1 July 2012

Holidays' Homework - A goodwill or burden?

Today Holidays' Homework has become an integral part of the school curriculum. And why shouldn't it be? Students have almost 2 long months and apparently nothing to do (apart from a lot of hobby classes, coaching and all the stuff). So every time a quest arises, is holidays' homework necessary? Some say yes some say no. Let us take a deeper look.

How students react to Holidays' Homework? 

Students will remain as they were. For them holidays homework is just a burden but the are capable to go with it. They can't protest or start a campaign against all the homework. How they react is never asked, and even if they are, nobody cares. Some are there who like doing all the fancy glitter stuff in their notebooks but for them, one thing- "Holidays are for fun, not for doing homework!"

How teachers react to Holidays' Homework?

Teachers, again, as they are, are standing in front as the pioneers of education. Afterall, they are the ones who build a person and thus build a society.In teachers' view holidays homework gives opportunity to students to do something "creative". But it raises a question- Does creative mean doing fancy charts or making a simple circuit with a small working bulb (for high-schoolers).
Everyone has a view but for teachers holidays' homework is integral and necessary.

How parents react to Holidays' Homework?

Uff! - Similar expressions by parents when they face their wards' homework.
Homework is a bigger burden on parents than it is on students. Printouts,stationary,chart-papers and headache.The holidays' homework for students below class 5 is the holidays' homework for parents and for students above class 5- money. A survey shows, on an average, parents spend 1200 bucks on their children's holidays' homework.


Everyone has their own conclusion, but mine is - Homework should be something that is a mixture of fun and knowledge. It should never act as a burden over students (since they have a lot of it already). And the day students find homework interesting and fun, that day would be a step towards a better education system.

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Holidays Extended!

Cherished Longer

All the schools in the Delhi and Delhi -NCR area have been closed till 8/9 of this month. Many schools are prior to open after 6 more days because of scorching heat in the region.
